All your friends in 9 to 5 Days in Porn

Sasha Grey, Roxy Deville, Belladonna, and Otto Bauer and Audrey Hollander star in this German-made documentary about the life of porn performers in and out of Porn Valley.

Shot in 2006, 9 to 5 follows these people and more, including agent Mark Spiegler, performer-turned-clinic owner Sharon Mitchell, directors John Stagliano and Jim Powers, and performers Mia Rose and Julie Silver as they answer similar questions to those asked by everyone else of porn workers, except this time the editing is much better and the choice of subjects more compelling.

Director Jens Hoffman and crew are currently exhibiting the movie at festivals worldwide after a debut in Montreal.

Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Life in a porn dorm isn’t all pillow fights and orgies; Moxie-ridden devil Roxy makes Teagan, dandling Randall, her collie; No wonder Sasha Grey can’t find her car; Belladonna shares views on tank, 2005; Gram Ponante announces Oscars of Porn
See also: 9 to 5, More info on 9 to 5

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist


  1. The hardest part was watching porn actress Audrey Hollander as she’s completely condescended by and subserviant to her egotistical and trashy husband… I thought at first that maybe she was just less intellectual than I thought, but realized later that she may be on more drugs than they were showing. She looks and acts like a shell of a person and my heart really went out to her near the end, when she was feeling ill on set after using enemas for unatural things and her so called “husband” (who speaks for and controls her like a pimp) tells her to just “shake it off” and have a beer because she’s due for another scene shortly. Then when she does this very hard core scene and is choked greatly by a very large man, she sits there with her eyes closed looking like she’s about to die from receiving the worst beating ever! So, so sad… When the credits roll and they recap where everyone is a year later, all they have to say about Audrey is; “Audrey is better…”. If that isn’t the ultimate and purest form of abuse by one’s self and the one they call “husband” caught on film, I don’t know what is. I still feel it has a double meaning, where the creators also meant it to mean; “Audrey is better… than her controlling, masochistic husband” or even “Audrey is better… than all of this.” I dare anyone who watches porn to watch this movie and read the true stories on and not feel complete remorse for the emotionally and physically abused women in this industry. I am personally shocked and disgusted.

    What I’ve learned (or already knew):
    – no amount of money is worth seriously hurting yourself or others…
    – real love means not asking for anything in return…
    – if something seems off or odd, it is…
    – we all have the power to control our own lives and obtain what we wish for…
    – treat others with respect and you’ll get so much more back in return…

    P.S. – My heart goes out to all the women in this industry and especially you, Audrey. If you ever read this, it would do you well to really consider and digest the thoughts and lessons learned above.

  2. Thank you for this comment, Lubbenite. I do not recall Audrey’s sequence in the film (I believe I just saw a trailer), but I have heard those criticisms before. Personally I find both Audrey and Otto very supportive of each other, even if Otto does do most of the talking. I’ve never thought that Audrey didn’t have a firm grip on where she wanted to be.

    But in general I agree that there are some people for whom porn work is the wrong idea, while for others it is a healthy expression of their sexuality. Fortunately or not, there is no universal expression of that. Personally, I can hit some partners at their insistence and would never dream of treating others roughly. So “if it seems odd, it is” is purely subjective. After all, many things seem off or odd to me that you might think are perfectly legitimate.

  3. Hey Gram the Man, just wanted to point out that when I said “if it seems off or odd, it is…” I was referring two to different subjects about the industry. The first (which was talked about by former porn stars on and confirmed in this movie early by Otto, that sometimes these girls agree to do a scene and when they get to the acual shoot the scene has been changed and they are coerced into doing it, whether it’s against what they’d normally be willing to do. The second thing I was reffering to basically is when Audrey is feeling sick on the couch, hurting and Otto tries to convince her that the illness she is feeling is nothing. Later we see her at her lowest and obviously not well at all (frankly, she looked like she was about to die). I understand perfectly (from experience) that there what’s good for one person is not good for another. What people except and like is completely subjective, but I do think there are some boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed and if some is trully “ill”, then some precautions or inquires of their health should be dealt with before they put themselves into a situation that could further hurt them even greater to a point where they might not be able to return.

    I would also like to state that since voicing my opionion about Audrey and Otto since viewing this movie I have come to find that Audrey only made 4-5 films last year (less than a third of what she had done previously per year) and as of this writing has not done anything this year (2010). I wouldn’t be surprised if we were seeing her eventual downward spiral that led (or is leading) to her leaving the industry. Personally, if I saw footage of myself in the condition that she was in, it would pretty much wake me up and scare me into thinking that maybe it’s time to move on. Audrey has taken things as extreme as they can get for a star and for anyone there really is only so much one can take or go only so far before it becomes life threatening, which is evidence from what we’ve seen in this film…

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