The unsinkable Michelle Aston sent me this picture of incontrovertible proof that there is always more room.
The link is from a fascinating blog about master/servant relationships, Zille Defeu’s Fetish Fantasies.
If someone could get an MRI of this, then surely I can get reimbursed for my elective forehead smoothening.
Previously: Michelle Aston’s mixed messages; Memphis Monroe abandons contract stardom for poverty on streets of 19th century Paris; Healthcare options: naked nurse with statue of pig
What was that saying??? oh A picture is worth a thousands words.
Wow !
It’s strangely arousing.
Wait a sec. That’s a chick, right?
low grade FAKE. spine MRI looks absolutely different. for instance MRI will never show any bones because they contain the least amount of water which this machine base upon. besides WTF there is an ear in sagital crossection đ
If he comes now, she gets it in her lungs
either that is a fake, or she has an eyebrow and an ear lodged through her skull and into her brain.
Neither! Everything on Tanner Mayes is exactly where it should be.