I feel sorry for poor Europornstress Inna, here, whose devotion to Abby seems one-sided.
It’s a sad fact that sometimes women only want dildos, I would tell Inna if I could just get past addressing someone as “Inna.”
“Listen, Toots,” I would say, “Your Slavish—or, in your particular case, former Yugoslavish—devotion to this woman is only going to end in tears. You’re looking at her but she’s looking at us.”
“But she let me touch her left one and put the dildo in,” Inna might say.
“Everyone gets to touch her left one,” I’d say.
“Oh, Abby,” Inna might sob and, for the life of me, I wouldn’t know if she’s sobbing for herself or for the other woman, as I’m really not sure which one is which, to be honest.
- Buy “Toys & Girls 2” here
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: “Glee” porn parody both is and ain’t; “Girls Lie,” but I guess you knew that already
See also: Digital Sin
I’m sure she’ll be fine–there are probably like forty Euro porn girls of equal or greater hotness in the same room, just out of frame, and undoubtedly one of them can play the aloof and only slightly-interested target for Inna’s fawning affection.
Those Euro-hotties multiply like tribbles, which is why I’m currently arranging to have one shipped over, and before you know it, bam! Ten credits a piece, a very reasonable price.