Girls Loving Girls (but filmed by girl-loving guys)

Just today I learned definitively, despite the direct and contradicting quote from its star, that the story behind a celebrity sex tape I’d reviewed was a fib.

“Does the story even matter?” sputtered the celebrity’s handlers.

“Yes, in that people will buy an otherwise unremarkable DVD because of the story you used to sell it,” I said.

Recent porn stories have paralleled mainstream incidents of fraudulent behavior, and in each case the person caught in the falsehood will downplay it by saying that the context doesn’t matter, just the content.

If that is so, then why tell the story in the first place?

Guest reviewer Larry Smathers reviewed Abby Winters’ Girls Loving Girls. After meeting the delicious Abby Winters girls in January, I got a lot of comments and e-mail about how Abby Winters doesn’t and never did exist, despite a backstory about Winters the porn-positive female photographer who wanted to make a difference.

That the company is run by a guy does not take away from the fact that “Abby Winters” has a good thing going, so the question remains: Why tell the lie in the first place?

Because, you know, if people buy the product based on the false story you tell to sell it, you’re committing fraud.

Read the review here.

Previously: Cultural learnings of the Abby Winters girls
See also: Abby Winters

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist


  1. I’m currently an Abby Winters subscriber. I don’t think that there is any dispute, even from detractors. that this DVD (and practically all Abby Winters shoots) was filmed using an all-female crew. And the Abby Winters site is reasonably open about the fact that it is owned and run by a man, Garion Hall. Yes, they do still try to pretend that Abby Winters exists, but they are, I think, gradually moving away from this, and towards doing the right thing – I see very few posts on the message boards by “Abby” nowadays.

    There’s a risk to them either way, I suppose.

  2. Thanks for your comment! I think people are finding more and more that whatever porny subterfuge they think of building is always doubted almost instantly by consumers. So maybe producers and marketers won’t bother with that in the future.

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