Now Jenny Hendrix (at the bar) is a friend of mine; she gets me my drinks for free. And she’s quick with a joke, or a light of your smoke, but there’s someplace that she’d rather be. —This Ain’t Billy Joel XXX
I have a whole gallery of naked Jenny Hendrix mixing me drinks on various porn sets throughout the latter years of the last decade. What a gift.
I have never been the kind of America’s Beloved Porn Journalist to believe, expect, or desire that my casual friendships with the naked and accessible women I interviewed would lead to partnerships in Home Healthcare businesses, marijuana dispensaries, sexual surrogacy, or even babysitting, but my favorite porn stars (and Jenny is one of them) always kept in mind that mutually beneficial things could also be fun.
Hendrix has moved on to more lucrative employment, but I can’t think of nicer Girlfriend Experiences than signature cocktails at 10 in the morning.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: “Barely Legal 75″—stacks of nudes spotted in Sunland
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