MontagFoto 5.2.11—Dubious Edition

So there you are. You met her at a bar and now her clothes are off. You’ve gone this far. You’re about to do it. And then you realize you’re not that drunk after all.

This is what this picture of Britney Stevens and Kissy Kapri reminds me of.

It was March of 2008 and I was visiting the set of an Otto Bauer movie that was supposed to be called “XXX 30,” with the “XXX” having nothing to do with Roman Numerals and therefore not redundant. Somewhere along the line the name got changed. Anyway, it was one of those days when there wasn’t much chemistry in the room (maybe it’s because I was there?) and this photo captures that perfectly.

“Dubious” is the word that leapt to mind last night when news began filtering in that Osama bin Laden was dead. I’m not conspiracy-minded, just someone who, after ten years in Los Angeles, doesn’t believe everything he reads or hears without asking some questions.

  • After months of birth certificate silliness, why is the corpse upon which Barack Obama hopes to be reelected at the bottom of an undisclosed water body?
  • Why was CIA director Leon Panetta, significantly name-checked in Obama’s announcement, offered a huge promotion last week when the killing of bin Laden supposedly happened yesterday? Wouldn’t you dole out promotions only upon the successful completion of a big task?
  • Might the porn industry salvage from the shame of the “Flintstones” parody a searing and erotic political satire called “Yabba-Abbottabad-Do?”

I am certain that none of these thoughts occurred to Stevens as she stared into Kapri’s Tora Bora—it was a simpler time—but it’s dubious all the same.

Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Kissy Kapri has a secret

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist

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