I keep hearing people complain about the porn-saturated Internet, but their problem, really, is not that there is too much, but that they do not have a worthy Nudes Curator. I am that person, my friends, so herewith is this week’s curated installment of Nudes You May Have Missed.
That kid with the camera in the frat house cracks me up. It’s like, buddy, they’re filming it right this minute, they’ve got a better angle than you do, they have professional equipment, you’ll be able to watch the actual film of this later- what the hell are you doing? You’re ignoring a live show that you are obviously interested in in favor of taking a really crappy handheld version that will be inferior to the product being made right in front of you.
Priorities, people, priorities.
That kid with the camera in the frat house cracks me up. It’s like, buddy, they’re filming it right this minute, they’ve got a better angle than you do, they have professional equipment, you’ll be able to watch the actual film of this later- what the hell are you doing? You’re ignoring a live show that you are obviously interested in in favor of taking a really crappy handheld version that will be inferior to the product being made right in front of you.
Priorities, people, priorities.
ALTERNATE TITLE: “Misses I May Have Nuded”
The un-named vixen is none other than Bella-Marie Wolfe. http://www.freeones.com/html/b_links/Bella-Marie_Wolf/
Thank you!