Paige Turner (get it?) stars in BadAss Pictures’ Virgin Patrol 3. Virgin Patrols, as you know, are a provision of the USA PATRIOT Act and are now being, as patrols always are, “stepped up”.
Bob Seger wrote a song called “Turn the Page” which deals with the loneliness of the road-bound performer:
Well, you walk into a restaurant
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you’re shaking off the cold
I feel this way walking into certain bars in Glendale, except it’s never cold here.
Compare Seger’s lament to this passage from “The Great Gatsby”:
“We don’t know each other very well, Nick,” she said suddenly. “Even if we are cousins. You didn’t come to my wedding.”
“I wasn’t back from the war.”
“That’s true.” She hesitated. “Well, I’ve had a very bad time, Nick, and I’m pretty cynical about everything.”
What does this have to do with Virgin Patrol 3? Well, nothing. Paige Turner plays a cheerleader. There’s no connection. It would be silly to look for one.
Previously: Way up firm and high on Cahuenga Blvd.
See also: Badass Pictures, “The Great Gatsby” online, Bob Seger
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