Following yesterday’s shocking discovery that AVN had Photoshopped (do I still need to capitalize that?) its logo onto a building owned by someone else for a press announcement, I wondered how many other Porn Valley institutions engaged in sign-anigans.
Was crosstown rival XBiz misrepresenting its status at 4929 Wilshire Boulevard? (Like Ladyhawke, the XBiz building only appears at night.)
A reader sent this (much better) work.
“XBiz purchased new offices and the first thing (they) did was put up a new sign with a hammer and chisel. Do you think the neighbors will mind?”
Has anyone actually seen the LFP building to verify if “Larry Flynt Productions” is on the structure? (I make it a point to never visit a place where I have to pay for parking.)
Speaking of parking, I am pretty sure the sign on the Margold/Ford live/work vehicle is accurate.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Rockstar courthouse parking for AVN
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