Photographer Richard Kern is featured in a regular series of segments on Spike Jonze’s Brooklyn-based site VBS-TV. “Shot by Kern” is interesting for several reasons, not the least of which being it gives equal airtime to Kern’s reactions to his models.
This week it is Burning Angel model Sinead who, at 20, has been aware of having a compelling rack for at least seven years, though she admits that “I was (even) a very sultry eight-year-old.”
Kern is shooting a book called “Looker” in which he recreates embarrassing celebrity moments. He poses Sinead as Anna Nicole Smith covered in her own vomit (lacking any of Anna Nicole Smith’s vomit, Kern uses apple sauce on Sinead).
“Have you gotten any puking photos where the puke is real?” Kern is asked. “Does that interest you?”
“No,” Kern said, looking alarmed.
Three years ago, when I was 20, I didn’t have Sinead’s mercenary worldview. In her interview she talks about sex, sex work, and stripping only as they pertain to money.
On dancing: “I had nothing to do for a month. Then I had a thousand dollars in cash lying all around me.”
On her club: “(People spend) their Wall Street bonuses for the year.”
On doing (or not doing) porn: “Whatever. Whatever’s fun and pays.”
This is not a moral judgment. People should be fairly compensated for having breasts.
“Even in high school people would say, ‘You have real nice tits.'” Sinead said.
“You do,” Kern said.
Previously: Joanna Angel’s Invent-a-Lunch; Striking while the iron is hot
See also: Baby Sinead, Sinead on Burning Angel, Shot by Kern: Sinead
She does (have nice tits).
I have a feeling that this is an automatic and embarrassing reaction people have when faced with them.