One of the best places to see a movie in the City of Los Angeles is the New Beverly Cinema, and the perfect movie to watch on the New Beverly’s screen will get the midnight treatment on Friday, March 6.
Carlos Batts’ Voluptuous Biker Babes is a tribute to the films of Russ Meyer and Roger Corman mixed with a little Robert Rodriguez and, what the hell, the Teletubbies.
Zaftig badasses, drag queens, dance troupes, and even Audrey Hollander join forces to present a tale of sex in the desert gone horribly right.
The Voluptuous screening will feature raffles and prizes as well as appearances from much of the cast, including April Flores. Admission is $7.
About the New Beverly: One of the only independent theatres left in Los Angeles, the New Beverly has a friendly film-fan staff, inexpensive snacks, and an eclectic screening schedule peppered with celebrity appearances. Come drunk.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: You got your post-apocalyptic in my voluptuous; April Flores – diva; Hair apparent – Miss Sharon Mitchell in “The Violation of Claudia”
See also: Carlos Batts, April Flores, New Beverly Cinema
hey is that audrey hollinger with her legs spread?
Sort of – that is Audrey Hollander.