Natalie Heart isn’t a dummy. She gets great grades, and she’s on to you. You invited her over to “tutor” her. But she doesn’t need your ancient long division and FOIL method. No, she’s probably going to have teh sex with you and then tweet about it, you know, because she’s a “schoolgirl.”
There are a lot of things going on in New Sensations’ “Schoolgirl POV” series, not the least of which is a willing suspension of disbelief. Here are these sexually aware women, who have to be at least 18, still wearing schoolgirl skirts, white knee socks, and saddle shoes (the “O” in the title logo is an apple). It is amazing and disturbing what they already know about certain arcane fetishes at such a young age.
Heart delivers a fantastic monologue about having figured “you” out already—but she isn’t mad. In fact, I’d say she’s pretty accommodating of your problem. Me, I think you’re probably a sexual predator who needs to be reported.
The last time I saw Natalie Heart was last week when she was Jaslene Jade. The box of Adam & Eve movies came just before the box of New Sensations movies. People change their names quite a bit in porn. I like this scene a lot more, so maybe the next time she’ll have an even better name, like Sassy Harvest.
Buy “Schoolgirl POV 9” here
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: “Revenge of the Petites”—Beauty Is Only Skin Deep, Skin Diamond
See also: New Sensations
Beautiful girl. I love her smile! Boobs ain’t bad either.