I asked Max Hardcore, against whom the Department of Justice levied 10 obscenity charges at the end of May, how he was doing.
“The hammer fell on me pretty heavy last week,” he said. “I’m battered and bruised, but I’m still standing.”
DOJ mentioned that Hardcore’s movies sometimes involved Hardcore inserting his whole hand into the negative spaces of his performers. This caused uproar among porn consumers, one of whom wrote:
“Having enjoyed multiple hardcore fisting scenes, I’ve never seen Max actually insert his entire hand in any single orifice. In fact, Max’s consistently incomplete fisting (which, from what I’ve seen, is always of the vaginal ilk) has left many fellow hardcore consumers feeling sorely disappointed.”
One of Hardcore’s attorneys is Lou Sirkin, who has successfully represented Larry Flynt throughout Flynt’s career.
“And I’m gonna come back and win this this thing,” Hardcore said. “This is the big leagues – Federal court, but I (have) some heavy hitters on my team, including Lou Sirkin.”
Hardcore will be tried in Tampa, where the charges were filed. He is confident of pumping his fist in triumph.
“The government picked the wrong guy to indict,” he said, “because I ain’t gonna roll over on this bullshit.”
He then tried to buoy my spirits.
“Be of good courage Bro; we are confident of final victory here.”
Previously: When Feds say “porn”, do they mean Max Hardcore?
See also: Max Hardcore, Department of Justice Indictment press release
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