Nikki and Dana find Jesus

Since I cannot let go of the 2007 AVN convention, we must let God. Turn your cheek, then, to this video of (some of) Our Lord visiting Sin City to chat up the likes of Dana DeArmond, Jewess Joanna Angel, Taylor Wane, Summer Haze, and Nikki Nievez, a personal favorite who I never even saw the whole week I was there. Mysterious ways, indeed.

J.C. Superstar is played by Brady Hall of Seattle’s The Stranger. His forgiveness and grace is evident even unto his exchange with Gene Simmons, who can try anyone’s patience. Hall manages to resist several of the desert temptations in His walk through the Sands.

Previously: Smiles, everyone – Smiles!; “A fine spray of legitimacy”; Kendra Jade denies bringing her ass; Lex smells the roses, Buddhism
See also: Jesus goes to the porn convention, The Stranger

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist


  1. Hey Gram, when you die..payback is going to suck.

    Suppose a man breaks into your house and steals everything you own? Or he breaks in and murders everyone in your family. Would he be punished for breaking the law? Of course he would. Society and Man’s system of law would not let him go unpunished or get away with it.

    God also has a law that he gave to mankind – They are called the Ten Commandments. Have you ever broken his laws?

    Have you ever told a lie? – Yes, you have.
    Ever stolen anything? – Anything at all.
    Ever taken God’s name in vain? – We all have at some point if we were very upset.
    Ever lusted after another woman or man? – Who has not?

    Jesus said if you lust after anyone you have already committed adultery with them in your heart.

    According to the Ten Commandments you would be a liar, a thief, a blasphemer and an adulterer. You have broken several of God’s laws and he says every person will be judged so should he let you go?

    Would you let the man that broke into your house and murdered your family go? even if he was sorry?

    That would be unjust and out of the question.

    He Paid Your Fine and Took Your Punishment
    Jesus was beaten, mocked, cained, whipped, and crucified so that sin no longer has reign over you. He died because we all break God’s laws and he took the punishment for you. Sin seperates you from God’s love.

    Death will come for you..sooner or later.

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