Riley Reyes, who turned 31, during the lockdown, is a fetish and mainstream porn performer. She is also the chairperson of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, a group that organizes and provides a variety of resources to porn personnel as well as those those curious about working in the industry.

Gram: So Riley, the last time I saw you was for an AVN interview. We met down in Studio City and we talked on a bench, then we drove to Circus Liquors because I thought, “Riley Reyes would look sexy in front of that clown.” Those pictures are lost and I am aggrieved. But it was great talking to you and you looked BEAUTIFUL that day. You were the last non-family member I had in my car and it was early March. So that’s how I’m doing. How are YOU?
Riley: Aw, I’m sorry to hear you lost the photos… I’ve just been trying to keep busy, with varying results. I still deal with fans daily! I’m constantly chatting with my onlyfans members. As far as social isolation, luckily, I live with my partner, so I’m not all alone. I really miss going out tho and, frankly, all the sex.
Gram: Yup.
Riley: I had been about to take a hiatus from the biz for a few months anyway due to a state of extreme burnout, so in that way this lockdown was well-timed. Unfortunately it ruined all my travel and jiu jitsu plans.
Gram: People say that the repetitive nature of the lockdown is like “Groundhog Day.” How much are you keeping to a schedule? (and I’m sorry about the jiu jitsu … that’s particularly tough to do over Skype)
Riley: I have a loose set of 5 daily goals, and each day I make sure to hit 3-5 every day. The list is: workout, Portuguese lesson, housework, instagram live, and shoot content. To keep every day from feeling the same, I try to have “special events” a couple times a week. Today is my Dungeons and Dragons game.
Gram: PORTUGUESE LESSONS ARE AWESOME. And that’s to help with your jiu jitsu when the miasma passes?
Riley: Yeah, I want to travel to Brazil to study jiu jitsu, but international travel may have to wait until after a vaccine is developed
Gram: I love Brazilian Portuguese (and Brazilians, and Brazil) so much. You’ll have a great time there. I get you about how the lockdown might have helped with burnout and allowed interest to slowly return organically. Is your partner enjoying having you all to herself, at least physically?
Riley: We are definitely both enjoying the time. We have soooo much time to show each other movies we had been meaning to share, and play games and talk. Before, “being Riley” had taken up every moment of my life, and I was always so tired. It feels like we are back in college.

Gram: I love that description. What are some movies you’ve shown each other?
Riley: She had wanted to show me the “Sarah Connor Chronicles” series, so we are working through that. And I finally saw “Lost Boys”! That one was on a Zoom hangout with her and a couple I’ve been dating.
Gram: Have you seen Jordan Peele’s “Us”? It has a great “Lost Boys” tie-in.
Riley: I saw “Us” and really enjoyed it. I read it a lot more as an allegory for our relationship with a disposable/scary underclass and our concepts of “upward mobility” than anything else … But maybe I should rewatch with “Lost Boys” in mind…
Gram: Ha ha. Yes. In “Us,” we are the vampires.
Riley: I was just excited that “Lost Boys” helped me understand the spaghetti joke in “What We Do in the Shadows.”

Gram: …easy jokes, low-hanging fruit, like certain ethnic groups in American movies have been the convenient bad guys…

Gram: Oh I think the rants are especially important. Indulge me: Do you feel it’s easier for Americans to demonize sex workers, especially in times of crisis like this one, because it’s easy to make us feel guilty about pleasure?
Riley: I don’t think that this sort of thing has any direct effect on the demonization os sex workers. I think people may have increasing resentment of online sex workers though. I can see how being a single horny guy online while tons of women are trying their hand at onlyfans or camming would make you suuuuper salty.

Gram: What has your or your girlfriend’s best plague meal creation been?
Riley: It was her birthday in quarantine so I made her dessert: cornbread with blueberry syrup. It was basically homemade pie filling as a topping. We are both from the south so it was a big treat. One of my favorite lockdown activities I’ve done, which didn’t come up earlier was my “Rocky Horror Picture Show” night! We hosted a Zoom screening. People dressed up and sang along and did the callbacks. It was a blast. I dressed as Janet in white underwear and a labcoat.

Gram: It is important that the world has documentation of this. I am speaking for The World.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Last Call at the Hard Rock: An AVN 2020 Gallery
See also: APAC | OnlyFans | Twitter ( @rileyreyxxx)| Instagram ( @rileyreyes.sfw)
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