Tragedy struck the porn world today as the badass Trina Michaels announced her decision to take a break from porn and follow the better angels of her nature into the only-marginally less skeevy world of professional wrestling.
“I can’t say this is my 100 percent retirement from porn but I will be gone for a while,” Michaels said. She will be feature dancing and shooting as many scenes as possible before she leaves in November for a month of training on the east coast.
“I’ve been a wrestling fan for eight years and over the past year I have met some really cool people in the WWE, TNA (Total NonStop Action) and several local promotions,” she said, acting as if I knew what she was talking about.
To her credit, Michaels left her exit vague, recognizing that the bright lights of wrestling might be overwhelming and drive her back to the nurturing arms of simple, homespun gangbanging folk.
Previously: Avenue X review; Wonderland review; Pussy Party via The Ass; The only other instance of Fred Blassie on this site
See also: Trina Michaels on YouTube
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