I want to Fuck Geek Girls

ya I dig that

Although I write an advice column, sometimes I need an outsiders opinion when it comes to matters of the heart. When these occasions arise I turn to Monstar. Why you ask? Because the fucker has an entourage of hot chicks 24/7!

The problem I have been having is that as soon as I fall asleep they steal all my pills and cash and buy purses. I’m not alone in my suffering. but that doesn’t make me feel better.
I just want a girl that will eat my pussy watch the fights and play WOW. well Monstar hooked a sister up. I would like you to meet The most interesting porn chick I have had the honor of Stalking. Mia Rose. (pictured above) I haven’t been able to get her into the fights yet (Jenna just takes the hipness out of it)but if she ever gits level 60 she promised to spend the day watching hot guys sweat with me. I seriously think she may be marriage material!

Well naturally I followed the tried and true way for a journalist to get some ass, I interviewed her about something she is passionate about…World Of War Craft.

What server do you play?
I play on US server Mal’ Ganis. I started on Arthas but the server was going to hell so me and my guild switched. “25$ to switch your char and all ur stuff” …. : ?

How do you handle PK’ers?
No clue what a PKer is…. but I do PVP… Player vs Player…. :: ninja kick :: Watch ur back…. grr

Pk’er is player killer… kids these days
I play in the Horde Race. “the bad guys” : ) I am an undead warlock 39 “almost 40” and moving up everyday til I hit 60 and can actually play with my guild….. Shes a nasty cool bitch. My alt is a Druid priest.

What object can some one give you that would move you to let them fuck you?
An object that you can give me, how about some epic gear… huh huh?! lol

Are you in any Guilds?
In my guild I play the role of watergirl, or PEON lol. Until I hit 60. No one has ever been in the guild unless they have filled out an application, and gone through try outs. So :: sticks ass out :: opps. I mean, toung… I am in one of the top horde guilds in the nation. “not because I am a AMAZING lv 60 cause I’m not, not yet. But because of my role on whoresofwarcraft.” It is the FIRST ever fully SPONSERED guild in the world, Aurora. Aurora and the players in it, “girls and guys” are unfucking real players! The guild is sponserd by Dez of www.WhoresofWarcraft.com and Danny Ting, owner of wantedlist.com. both of which play WoW.

What’s you character name?
My name is MiaRose on the game….. Fucking add me biotchs…

Have you ever cried over a death or dropped item?
cried because I lost one? No, I cried cause I gain one. tears of joy

What is your advice to new players.
My advice…. Watch ur back newb…. :: grrr :: no really though, It looks alot harder than it is… Its fun, and you meet some really cool people believe it or not.

Have you ever met any one from WOW in person?
I haven’t met anyone from the game, but I play with people I know in real life…lol. But I have met people off of another online game.. Halo 2… why? Cause I’m a nerd like that. w00t

If I sign up will you protect me?
Kami, if you sign up, I will protect u. and then, we will rule the server! lol….Kami, I don’t care how cute you think the Alliance is, “good guys” when u sign up, be whored… opps, horde. lol.

Thank you for allowing me to share my geekyness….. hahahaha!

Am I the only one who thinks geek chicks are totally stroakable?
heres is a WOW Gallery of Mia courtesy of WhoreofWarcraft

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist


  1. It’s very funny to me, looking at the pictures of Mia Rose in her chainmail and carrying that big sword, the one with the crazy quillions, that the people who should have the time to do the most research and thus know the most about weaponry (geeks, and especially medieval-game geeks) aare the ones who are most likely to come up with some crap-ass weapon that was designed by someone whose experience with actual weapons was obviously no more extensive than masturbating to Boris Vallejo cover art in the eighties. I know Mia – and her WOW friends – think that’s a cool sword, but to anyone with any actual knowledge of swords, it’s obvious that its main characteristic would be a tendency to poke you in the eye or bruise your wrist when you tried to swing it. Seriously, do you know what a quillion is for? Do you know that nothing on a sword is supposed to be pointing back at you? Those things are supposed to catch an opponent’s blade and divert its force into your own, toward the center of your own line. Even if you managed to avoid hurting yourself with the long, unreasonably jagged quillions, even if you managed to move that stupid big blade quickly enough to catch an incoming strike (considering that there appears to be about a ten-pound hunk of metal just forward of what should be the balance point), any blade that hits that guard is going to do one of two things. If you caught it flat, along the smooth side, it would continue right on down the guard and shear off one or the other of your elbows or shoulders, and if you caught it in one of thse jags, it would stop and all the kinetic energy would be transferred to the quillion, which it would either break it or pull your blade off-line and open you up to a fat backstroke that would either take off your arm or your head, depending on how fast you could backpedal.

    And seriously, for reals: don’t even get me started on that chainmail. especially in concert with that big, dumb sword. Please, Mia Rose – pose responsibly. I mean it.

  2. i’m getting a 509 bandwidth limit exceeded error on the gallery…could someone put up a mirror? i must ogle pointy eared nerd boobies!

  3. a druid priest eh? god your fucking dumb that doesn’t make sense next time you make an interview do a tiny amount of research on the game.

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