Destin Gerek, a San Francisco-based Certified Somatic Sexologist and self-proclaimed “Erotic Rockstar”* is raising awareness and erectile tissue for his presidential contender of choice by spearheading O’s for Obama, a series of live and web-streamed events.
“If you care about the future of this country and this planet you won’t want to miss this,” said Gerek, who begins his campaign on Friday, October 24 at the San Francisco club 1015 Folsom.
But will Obama reject the endorsement of a group of juicy-handed, writhing San Franciscans in the same way he eschewed the help of his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright?
An anonymous source within the Obama campaign explained it this way:
“It would be like your loving girlfriend made you a pot roast that you knew would kill you if you ate it, and that smelled like feet. You suppose the intention was good, but that won’t matter if you’re dead, or if Sarah Palin becomes President.”
“This is about more than Obama becoming the next president of the United States,” Gerek responded. “On his website Barack Obama assures us that he is asking us to believe not just in his ability to bring about real change in Washington but ours. I agree with him. This is our time to create change. This is our time to create the world that we want to be living in. Barack Obama is a piece of the puzzle. We are the rest of the puzzle. Change is coming, so let’s come together.”
Obama was heard to mutter “Yes. But could you please come over there, behind that wall? Or maybe can you stage an ‘Orgasms Against McCain’ rally and leave me out of it?”
The O’s for Obama press release described what would be expected of participants:
Participants will be guided into using breath, sound, and movement to access their erotic energy, raise its vibration, and circulate it throughout their entire bodies, culminating in a simultaneous group energetic breath-gasm.
I imagine that Darklady and Halcyon “Pinkgasm” Styn and any number of Burning Man types will read this press release and think, “Goddess Damn It – my life coach said that I’m the one who’s supposed to be cashing in on masturbation this year.”
*there are various publications that, when referring to me, will write “self-proclaimed ‘America’s Beloved Porn Journalist'” and it always offends me – now I’m doing it. But come on.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Girls Handling Cocks for President; McCain campaign considers Hillary Scott’s mom
See also: O’s for Obama, Destin Gerek press release
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