Studio: JM Productions
Director: Ashley Blue
Cast: Randy Rodman, Rick Masters, Rod Fontana, and 41 women, including Blue, Kami Andrews, Alana Skye, Celestia, Zora, Annabelle, and Gabriela Banks
“Come on girls: This way,” says Ashley Blue as she leads a group of women into a fieldlet in which a man would be drenched in their collective squirtings. “This is my boyfriend; and he’s a loser.”
Two of the three scenes in JM’s Reverse Bukkake 2 involve a woman leaving a man in a huff and the man being squirted upon by multiple women.
In the first scene Randy Rodman’s girlfriend storms out, disgusted by his reverse bukkake fantasizing, and he enters the Realm of Dream, in which several women, including a few people I am sure I saw walking the street outside a Sepulveda Blvd. Denny’s, take turns squirting on him in a makeshift Terrordome which looks like that Steve Railsback episode of “The X-Files”.
Kami Andrews appears to be the ringer in this movie, what with all her own teeth and all, but for Andrews to seem wholesome by comparison takes some doing.
As each woman finishes she leaves, so by the time most of the women have taken their turn hovering above Rodman’s face, the room is echoing like an abandoned chapel in a flooded area.
The second scene is the most personally compelling. A man (Rick Masters) would rather smoke pot than have sex with Ashley Blue. He nods off and she leads the same group from Scene One into a woody glade to squirt on him. At least the Sepulveda Ave. girls were out in the sun.
In the final scene, 41 ladies squirt on Rod Fontana on a tennis court. Oddly enough, that sentence was how I mistranslated a passage of “The 12 Caesars” in high school.
While not being at liberty to divulge specifics of the shoot, such as how much each person was paid, I assume that the reason certain scenes seemed to empty out is that the bukkake talent were heading off to the next sequence, stopping to drink gallons of water in between. In a reverse bukkake, the talent rarely need a recoery period.
What is interesting about this movie is that the men are never given any release, other than a good hosing down. How can such an empowering movie for women come from a company branded obscene?
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