Following the recent tradition of acknowledging other porn-buying regions of the country, Vivid will sponsor a launch party in New York for Stood Up, a fictionalized account of comedian Bob Levy’s history of having jokes stolen from him by people who went on to become famous, except with sex thrown in.
Savanna Samson, who plays Levy’s evil agent in the B. Skow-directed picture, will co-host the August 9 party at Manhattan’s Ultra.
Read more after the gap.
Now that I know the premise of the film, I am moved to forgive Levy for making fun of my glasses during last year’s FAME Awards; his has been a hard life. When Andrew Dice Clay steals your jokes, you have worse things to worry about.
After the fourth or fifth time Levy made comments about my glasses – glasses I use to see – from his bully pulpit on the stage, I thought, “This man has been hurt before. Perhaps terribly. Perhaps by Andrew Dice Clay.” Pity has even crept into my thinking about this individual.
I spoke with the co-writer of Stood Up, an adult industry publishing figure so close to the center of the porn universe that he cannot be identified.
“Levy isn’t actually having sex in this movie, is he?” I asked.
“No,” the writer replied. “We’ve got Tommy Gunn playing the young Levy, and Lee Stone plays the Andrew Dice Clay character.”
Other comedians with identifiable stand-ins in the movie are Jeff Foxworthy and Jerry Seinfeld.
“It’s a hilarious movie,” the writer added.
“If you say so.” (Actually, I’m looking forward to watching it.)
Levy is making it up to me by proxy through an open bar that will run for two hours, starting at 8 p.m. Then the general public will be allowed in. “Guests will enjoy a night of sexy fun with Savanna and Levy, who will also sign complimentary Stood Up DVDs and be available for photographs.”
Just wear your contacts.
Previously: FAME: America recognizes small asses; Lux’s Life; The tannens in Miss Samson
See also: Vivid
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