I and people like me are featured in an article about porn blogging in the latest XBiz Video magazine. If you are unable to afford an address to which the free publication can be sent, the gist is this: everybody is happy this whole InterWeb thing is working out.
In other industry-leading trade publication news, AVN has rolled out web versions of its magazines, AVN and AVNOnline. These are not to be confused with the websites avn.com or avnonline.com. The magazines are scanned and put online, complete with little flipping page noises and a zoom function.
It is now more important than ever to release magazine versions of websites, so I have launched my own.
Gram. examines who I am and how I see myself in a sassy, up-to-the-moment and in-your-face kind of way, whether I’m typing in one room or typing in another.
It sheds light on what I eat and when, my musings on people whom I think did me wrong, as well as people I have momentary crushes on. All in the inimitable style of the website you’ve come to love to look for your name in.
See also: AVN online, XBiz Video
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