The other evening at a classy dinner a woman laughed so hard that she started crying.
“I feel like I’m in Throat Gaggers 13,” she said.
She meant that someone in a throat gaggeresque movie would be bent over backwards to receive upwards of four cocks in her mouth, causing her pornish makeup to run.
Of course there weren’t four cocks in her face (at least while I was there, because then there would have been six), but we all knew what she meant.
As you well know, Throat Gaggers 13 doesn’t have a scene of running mascara, but such is its cultural significance (at least at a dinner table with four people who work in the porn industry) that we all knew it meant that she was laughing hard. Even the people at surrounding tables figured it out, because they all left hastily.
Had I gone from college to a career in applied animal husbandry, I would not have got the joke. Instead, I laughed and laughed like I was in Lesbian Bukkake 9.
Previously: Mason’s Sluts; Gag Me, Then Fuck Me
You’ll laugh so hard that cum will shoot out of your mouth.
As long as you don’t laugh so hard that cum shoots out through your nose. That would be embarrasing.
or would it?
You have a low shame threshold.