The idea of a bunch of porn stars partying at my house doesn’t appeal to me 1.) because they would displace all the porn stars already here and 2.) because, as Ashley Blue said to me the other night in re her upcoming bowling date: “I didn’t get to say, ‘No smellies.'”
But Mallcom is running a promotion for Shane’s World’s Nerdz in which the winner will get the aforementioned porn star party but the Second Place winner will get an iPod and a PlayStation Portable. As Bridgette Kerkove says, “Go for Number Two.”
Many thanks to Chappaquiddick-bound Steve Javors for helping me get my Mallcom store up and running. Let’s hope my affiliate program experiments don’t end up Kopechne’d.
Dig you. You’re a Capitalist!
Needs to feed ma shorties.