I never saw an Asia Carrera movie until I received the Asia Carrera 4-on-1 box set, but it is clear that she inspired people to make movies about her. In such circumstances, someone’s devotion might become somewhat loopy.
For example, this is a scene in which Carrera has just learned she might have breast cancer. I thought this sort of head-scratchingly non-erotic thematic material just popped up within the past couple of years with Sacred Sin and Corruption, but I have to admit that Carrera makes an awareness of her own mortality look good.
The four films are like sticky time machines; all of them are at least eight years old. The best are Bud Lee’s Betrayal and Wesley Emerson’s Asia Is in Too Deep.
I just don’t want to see any prostate exams just yet.
Read the review here.
Previously: Don Lemmon dies
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