In the wake of various retailers’ hesitance to purchase the DVD package Corruption due to concerns about a fisting scene contained on disc 2, Sex Z Pictures has pledged to defend stores with legal protection.
“We strongly stand behind every store, distributor or website that sells our movie Corruption and we pledge that in the unlikely event that there is ever any type of legal indictment on the local, state or the federal level brought forth against any company selling this movie, we will be there from the beginning to the end providing the legal expertise of Paul Cambria and the money required to defend any potential prosecution to those companies who exercise their right to sell Corruption,” stated Sex Z Pictures’ owner Bo Kenney.
While a single legal challenge could easily dwarf Corruption‘s budget, this promise of financial and legal support from a producer is, I think, unprecedented.
To be clear, the statement “Kenney was responding to allegations that some stores or distributors are resisting larger purchases of Corruption due to the harsh political and sexual nature of the movie” isn’t exactly true. Some stores have refused to carry the movie outright and no one has a problem with the political shenanigans in the movie, just the fisting ones.
Regarding claiming political asylum for Corruption, I’m reminded of something Chris Rock said:
“l’m watching the news, and like, ‘Tupac Shakur was assassinated. Biggie Smalls, assassinated. Struck down by assassin’s bullets.’ l’m like, ‘No, they wasn’t!’ Martin Luther King was assassinated. Malcolm X was assassinated. John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Them two niggers got shot.”
Previously: Corruption corrupts absolutely; Porn I’d like to see; Whores at ease; Night to fist own ass if inspired
See also: Sex Z Pictures
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