That Tom Sizemore planned the “revelation” of a sex tape in that he filled out 2257-worthy documentation and called people like bite-sized (and now, tragically, married) Jersey Jaxin to join in (Jaxin didn’t give the guy who lit up the screen in True Romance and Natural Born Killers a thumbs up, alas) a not-impromptu-at-all rendezvous at the Chateau Marmont is not sad in itself, is not a sad commentary on our society, and is not a cautionary tale told in film by a man who’s now in court-ordered rehabilitation.
It’s just something that happened, and pretty much no different from anything the world’s reality television talent pool would do if they had the funds.
And Vivid is releasing this sex video on October 19th, just in time for Sizemore to get out of rehab and continue his interrupted rise to the top!
He was fuckin’ badass in Heat, dude.
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