Black Widow Media and TeamTyler are hosting Porn Star Karaoke tonight. I haven’t been in a long time because I’ve been at my Kabbala class. But now that I’ve mastered it, I’m’a head over.
Tyler Faith, the Pride of Saugus, is promoting her new film, UnFAITHful Secrets, about a woman who leads a double life.
Can you think of other porn stars who might make a movie title out of their names?
Let’s see. There’s GUNNed Down with Tommy Gunn. There’s Janine and a Half Weeks, um, there’s Last Exit to Brooklyn, Moon Over My Kami, and, of course, Night of the Tod-Hunter.
The following conversation with Tyler Faith didn’t happen:
GP: Fuckin’ Tyla. How did ya get inta characta fa ya new fuckin’ movie?
TF: Aw kid! It was like I kept fuckin’ thinkin’ of Hahtfid all the time.
GP: Why fuckin’ Hahtfid? Kahnettikit’s wicked queeah.
TF: They don’t know whetha ta root fa the Red Sox oha the Yankees kid. So I fuckin’ used that fuckin’ duality to drive my characta kid.
GP: I can’t fuckin’ believe ya fuckin’ just said “Yankees” kid.
TF: Yah. I think I’m goin’ ta Hell now.
GP: That oha the fuckin’ Squiah in Reveah.
TF: I love the fuckin’ Squiah ya douche. It’s right next ta the fuckin’ Reveah Showcase kid. That’s wheah I’m takin’ Wankiss fuh a fuckin’ popcahn dinna ya fuckin’ douche.
GP:Sorry kid.
TF: Don’t make me fuckin’ tag ya. I’ll get my fuckin’ cousin Tino from Providence ta fuckin’ shit down ya neck kid.
GP:Tino’s a good kid, kid. I yoosta date his sistah Sharon kid.
TF: Yah Sharon’s gut six kids and lives in fuckin’ Woonsocket now.
GP: That shit’s shoa betta than Fall Rivva kid.
TF: Ya Fuckin’ A right kid.
I like Tyler but Im I fukin Yank fan, be can still hang by the cahhs. Its all wickid cool.
Now that’s wikkid pissa!