In this or any economy, the creation of a new contract performer – or even three, as is the case this week with Girlfriends Films – is an occasion of profound solemnity and awe, like the discovery of a new planet.
Well, maybe a dwarf planet. After all, these are Girls-Only contract performers and their orbit is limited.
Nevertheless, the coronation of RayVeness, India Summer, and Prinzzess, all of whom are hot like fire, signals something wonderful: steady work for at least three people.
For example, RayVeness expertly plays a church choir director in our Imperfect Angels series and a small-town prostitute in Road Queen. India plays an organic-farming flower child in Road Queen and a predatory attorney in Lesbian Legal
(I really like those titles, especially Lesbian Legal.)
But something RayVeness said in the latter part of the press release made me wonder if Girlfriends Films was getting rid of a director.
RayVeness added “I’m enjoying the acting for the first time. I’m not told how to do it [emphasis added]. A director should hire somebody that can carry out the part, and that is what Girlfriends Films does. They allow me to portray that character instead of telling me what to do and how to act. And that’s what makes it exciting.”
Perhaps the veteran RayVeness thinks of directors the way, say, Sir Ian McKellan might think of Brett Ratner.
Regardless, it is a great day in Porn Valley when three more people know where the next check is coming from.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Mrs. Conduct; Cum Scene Investigation 5
See also: Girlfriends Films
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