It needs to stop

Have you ever laughed at someone’s joke, only to have the laugh turn sour in your mouth when the jokester asks, “Liked that one, didn’t you?”?

Have you ever heard a person tell the same casual, off the cuff story to two different groups of people, acting as if the story just occurred to him?

The way I feel in those situations is the way I feel when I see a picture like this:

There is no need for rabbit ears in photos in America, in 2005. A Google search for “rabbit ears” yielded this picture, and now these two hillbillies are on a porn site. Nothing against hillbillies, or porn sites, mind you (A exclusive).

And then there’s this:

It turns out that the middle finger is the new rabbit ears. I don’t know Barrett Blade, and I’m sure he’s a kind man and a philanthropist, but the Smokin’ Crack director has fallen prey to a porn fad that just makes people look dumb. Why give the finger to the camera? Is Barrett saying, “Fuck you; I’ve got two women kissing behind me”? Think how many more women you’d have, Barrett, if you were polite! Are you going to be performing Jesse Jane’s wedding with that finger?


Now I wouldn’t kick Teagan Presley out of bed for getting pregnant, but the finger in the mouth thing isn’t sexy, yet everybody does it. Perhaps a social anthropologist might tell me where this custom came from. There are two kinds of FitM shots: the one above, in which the subject appears to be accessible-yet-clueless, and the one below, in which the subject appears sexually ravenous but drugged:

As the porn world seems to catch on to some trends late (craft services, swag bags, spell-check) and rides the cutting edge on others (pubic-area shaving), I hope the middle finger/FitM trends run their course really soon, to make way for other fads, like blogging.

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist


  1. Oh shit Gram, Regan and I both do the finger thing that you speak of, people seem to like to across the country, but maybe you have cought on to something here. How about we go back to a regal wave, or a pageant wrist wrist elbow elbow wave….One thing is right more bloggers, including myself should try the spellcheck more often….

  2. Gram will you get over the “I don’t want to fuck her, I just want to stick it in her and cum” line? Sometimes you gotta try stuff…if it works…use it again!! It becomes “Stock” at that point. 🙂

  3. I think “…stick it in her and cum” is a classic line, right up there with “God Bless America”. I just never thought the President of the United States said that to me, specifically. But good point. Also, I think everyone should start incorporating the regal wave; that would be awesome.

  4. FitM is a way to say to men look I like to put things in my mouth. There is no room for coy behavior in porn media snap shots! we must convey the message that they have a shot at putting their penis in our mouth as quickly as possible.

    Since you pointed this trend out several months ago i now randomly stick my finger in my butt when ever any one has a camera. And while Disney was awkward this year I think most of America and Ruwanda know they have a chance at sticking their finger in my butt.

  5. Kami, that is why I have boycotted Disney. But still, most pornsters are under six feet tall, and we need to give some credit to the American people that they will know in which part of (your) anatomy to place a penis, a digit, or Tom Petty’s “Wildflowers” album without your having to point to it.

    Let’s say you and I were in rehearsals for my epic Gram Ponanrte’s NutFeast, and during the two weeks of structured improvisations prior to filming you put your finger in your nose to indicate “Please fuck me in my nose.” I would be all like, “Loving couples don’t need to say where to fuck each other.”

    Pointing to a particular place narrows the available options rather than makes the pointer look more accessible.

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