I am so excited I can hardly type: Control MFG is coming out with new skateboards!
As you know, I can often be seen blowing out my knees on a well-worn skateboard in the concrete half-pipe I’ve constructed here at Gram Ponante Towers, Cloisters, Salmon Hatchery, Heliport, and Server Farm, so today’s news that the Quebec-based Control MFG is launching a new line blew me away.
The five boards will feature members of Team Control, including Thomas Parent, Gab Ekoe, Casey MacDonald, and PIF. Can you believe it? Not only do consumers get Control MFG’s dedication to the finest Hardrock Canadian maple, glue and varnish, but they also get the names of their heroes below their feet!
Control MFG partners with Vivid, creator of Vivid Wheels, for the skateboards, which will be available in January.
Sources speculate that Vivid’s future branding endeavors might include pita bread, bowling balls, grouting, and adult entertainment.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Vivid’s imprint-o-rama
See also: Control MFG; Vivid
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