“So Surrender the Booty 3: The Search for More Arse took the mise en scene of Pirates except added ass to it?” a person who was thinking too hard about it asked me.
“No,” I said, “Producers of Surrender the Booty 3 more or less blew their load on the boxcover and the boxcover copy, and the movie, save for the pirate costumes, has nothing to do with pirates at all.”
“But is it good?” he asked, worried.
“Of course it’s good. Haven’t you heard what I said? All porn movies are good unless they think they’re something else.”
In Surrender the Booty 3, a hairpieced Lee Stone has his brutish way with a caterwauling Eva Angelina somewhere around March of this year. The viewer asks: “Was she pregnant then or did she become pregnant then?”
Read my review of Surrender the Booty 3: The Search for More Arse here.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Jenny Hendrix knows she’s hot; Gina Lynn’s feet; Eva Angelina and Marco Banderas take a bite outta porn
See also: Loaded Digital
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