I talked with Luke Ford today about our Talmud studies, the state of Orthodox journalism, and the danger of not being taken seriously in other media with porn on one’s resume. “Now let’s concentrate on you,” he said, turning on his tape recorder.
At the Monthly Porn Shopper, we were told not to mention Luke’s name in print, because of his muckraking, speculation and – I guess most importantly – his role as Gene Ross’ sounding board when the latter left the publication. Luke edited Setgo after I was a contributor there, then later started Lukeisback.com because his eponymous domain was taken. (He had sold it in 2001 when he “retired” from the industry, but he has the option of buying the domain back next year, minus the content.) It seems to happen a lot in porn that someone else “owns” your name.
Not me, man. Ain’t no chance those lowdown revenuers are taking my name.
It was a good conversation, taken from an interview template of which he is fond. After Wayne Hentai’s excellent press release announcing the official launch of this site, I received a number of inquiries with subtle and not-so-subtle entreaties to trash my former employer. “Other people do it better,” I usually say. Luke’s question was, “What did you love and hate about (your former employer)?” As if there would be something to hate. Seriously.
It has been said that Luke hates the industry and all who are in it, and just seeks to destroy it from within, like what Alien did to poor John Hurt. “He’ll twist your words and make you cry,” Loup Perch-Tounge once told me. “These people are not your friends,” someone else said. Luckily, Luke bought me a Volvo.
Expect the interview on LukeIsBack.com in a few days.
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