- Rape is OK if the rapist is a goblin.
- Note to self: Get more tentacles.
- When tentacles are unavailable, use snakes.
- Explain everything as it is happening, then explain it again. (“You are fucking my holes. That went in my holes.”)
Read a mini-review of The Night When Evil Falls (volume 1) here.
Previously: Meet Maria Ozawa
See also: Adult Source Media
This is so spot on, I laughed so hard my s.o. asked what I was reading. But I don’t know what I’d do without hentai tentacle rape.
I love “Explain everything as it is happening, then explain it again.” This made me laugh out loud. I am Japanese and I don’t get why they do that. I also don’t get why sometimes in hentai the women can shoot out their pussy hair like darts. I can’t do that, either!