SACRAMENTO, Calif—Compton Congressman and Godmosphere General Isadore Hall’s AB640, a re-seeding of the stalled AB332 California Condoms-in-Porn law, remains unvoted for this half of the legislative session, leaving the bill’s provisions up in the air until the California State Assembly reconvenes on January 6, 2014.
[Gratuitous “Star Wars” reference]
AB332, which stalled in May, was resuscitated by Hall in a warm cavity of an old tobacco bill, AB640, in much the same way one might take shelter in the steaming innards of a Tauntaun on the Ice Planet Hoth. But when the gavel fell on the fall semester of the 2013-2014 session early this morning, AB640, too, was as silent as Alderaan.
[end Gratuitous “Star Wars” reference]
The porn industry in Los Angeles is in the middle of a moratorium after at least three performers, Cameron Bay and Rod Daily (they had been an offscreen couple), and a third, unnamed male performer, tested positive for HIV antibodies. The existence of a fourth infected performer is claimed by AIDS Healthcare Foundation Chief Michael Weinstein, but adult industry organizations have seen no evidence of this.
[Read a more detailed description of Measure B and AB332]
While local mainstream media, particularly NPR station KPCC, have mostly practiced due diligence in airing both sides of porn’s condom and public health debate, it is Weinstein’s on-message and better-funded AHF that gets most of the ink. Sadly, this has allowed Weinstein to exploit Porn Valley’s disorganization and play fast and loose with the facts, such as repeatedly claiming Porn Valley sets to be the originator of HIV transmission, rather than where the disease was identified.
And Weinstein’s claim of a fourth performer—whom he is keeping close to himself—is intended to sow further distrust in the Porn Valley establishment.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: AB332 and the state of condoms in California
See also: Full text, AB640
Gram, thank you for stepping up and giving the facts as you know them, not a bunch of rhetoric and innuendo.