I have now been America’s Beloved Porn Journalist for four years, and I have always been impressed by people who say they’re going to leave the adult industry and then do. A redhead named Vixen is one of these people.
Vixen stood at least 5’10” without heels and didn’t try to hide her light under a bushel by being a stick figure. Instead, she looked as healthy as a hot camp counselor after a summer of good meals and swimming. If Dove ads allowed pubic hair, Vixen would be in them.
I met her in 2006 on the set of a movie shot by a company that no longer exists. See? The carpet matches the couch.
Vogel (she sometimes performed as “Katrina”) was from Minnesota and stayed in the adult business for about a year to earn some cash, she told people, and then she left. She stuck to her plan. In that way, she was like Jesus and “Babylon 5.”
I came across her (not literally – she’d actually have to be in the room) in a compilation from Fusxion called “Scarlet Fever” starring (of course) Audrey Hollander and even longtime Hollander substitute Gabriela Banks.
I hope Vixen is doing well and that she never comes back. But what this compilation tells us is that no one ever really leaves porn, not when your years-old scene can be cut up and re-purposed forever.
The “A” on the boxcover was also scarlet, as if to suggest these women had committed adultery. I thought this was a nice touch, even if the movie hadn’t borne it out, and even if I can’t get the idea of “The House of Seven Nipples” out of my head.
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: Pegging the man-flower; The Pornhumous Vixen Vogel; Working up the enthusiasm with Gabriela Banks; Holliday at the Car Wash; Money is tight, but Audrey Hollander is not a whore
See also: Fusxion
First two pictures kind of look like a long distant cousin to Traci Lords. Or do I need that extra cup of coffee to wake up today? 🙂
She is gorgeous and she’s great doing gangbang scenes. She seemed to enjoy her work, too bad she left.