“Iron Slut”: Dylan Ryan throws down in sex educator octagon

Colonic irrigationist, webmaster, sex educator: dubious and trendy occupations abound in California.

Fence-jumping pornstress Dylan Ryan will participate in the “Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown” this weekend in San Francisco, in which she and entrepreneurial sex educator (they are all entrepreneurial, come to think of it) Reid Mihalko will dispense sex tips and perhaps even demonstrate them for a roomful of consenting adults.

“It’s a loose spoof on ‘Iron Chef,’ and much more like ‘Inside the Actors Studio,'” said Mihalko of Sunday’s event at Oakland’s Fruitopia event space, noting that he and Ryan would not really be competing. “A true competition would kill the educational aspects. Intimacy as competition isn’t good nor is it healthy.”

That is why I never liked the term “fisting.”

Mihalko runs PG-13 versions of “Sex Educator Showdown” at colleges, he says, but Sunday’s event has the capacity to get explicit.

“The first two rounds are usually fully clothed demos,” he said, “and the first round is almost always a communication/negotiation tips and tricks kind of demo. If we get explicit – nudity, genital contact – that’s saved for the final round.”

Ryan, who is on summer break from college in Toronto, is debuting as a sex educator with this event.

“The improv aspect and facilitating is what I excel at,” Mihalko said. “And Dylan is going to be great.”

My personal experience with some sex educators is that they can be insufferable, joyless people whom you wouldn’t want within a hundred yards of anyone’s clitoris, much less their credit card information. But I can tell this event will be both informative and fun.

DATE: Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

TIME: 7-9:30pm

LOCATION: Fruitopia event space

1080 23rd Ave. Ste. 110, Oakland CA 94606

SPECIAL PACK-EM IN PRICE: $20 day-of at the door; $15 advanced, on-line tickets, $12.50 EACH for Twosomes, and $10 EACH for Threesomes and Moresomes! (No one turned away for lack of funds)

Previously on Porn Valley Observed: What does Jamye Waxman know about love?; Dylan Ryan gets kicks above waistline, border

See Also: “Iron Slut” details on Reid About Sex

About Gram the Man 4399 Articles
Gram Ponante is America's Beloved Porn Journalist


  1. Imagine my surprise when I finally stopped ogling her backside to find an article beneath the picture. There were words there, saw something about Oakland that wasn’t Raiders-related, but in the end *ahem*, I went back to ogling that backside. You’ll excuse me while I return to that.

  2. You’d made me a Ryan fan in the past, but I can’t think of much less sexy than watching “sex education demos” at Fruitopia, hemmed in on all sides by Mission-types.

  3. I’m gonna say it. I like her new do. There. Said.

    Also, this makes me wish I still lived in Berkeley.

    Also also, “colonic irrigationist” is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.

  4. Kenny Loggins loved his colonic irrigation so much that he married his irrigationist, fulfilling the prophecy “Even though we ain’t got money/My lower intestine is runny.”

  5. A Bachelor’s in Colonic Irrigation sounds like a degree you could get from Texas A&M. Cue the shot of the parents in Texarkana beaming with pride at their boy gone off to college. Soon he will return to apply his higher colonic learning to help the failing family farm.

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