To see Public Enemy’s Flavor Flav cozying up to Robin “Lifestyles of the Rich And Famous” Leach on the AVN Awards red carpet is to wonder at what point it would have damaged the other’s career to be seen together. 2005? 2000? 1996?
It reminds me of when diverse classic rock bands like Kansas and Yes, Styx and Def Leppard would tour together only by virtue of still being alive.
Next year at AVN: Chuck D. and Susan Powter.
Basic cable is the great equalizer (as, also, is Robert McCall).
Sorry, “Kansas and Yes, Styx” were all at the same time somewhere in the late 70’s considered “progressive rock bands”, much as Congressional Representatives are now considered “progressive politicians”.
It used to be that there were just enough parties at AEE for Robin Leach to appear with a table of hookers at each; now, he’s left to fend for himself with the porn tatter riff-raff.
Yeah, that’s right.
Leachy bastard.