As you may know, my older brother, Wilson Ponante, was recently involved in a motor crash of such devastation that we wondered if he would ever again accompany me to Vegas for the AVN convention to say things like “I keep getting older, and they just stay the same age.”
But he has recovered so rapidly that I’m fairly certain he’ll be back next year. And not as part of the wheelchair brigade.
Prior to my flying back east to visit, I was touched by the support of members of the Porno-American community who wrote personal notes, sent pictures, and who suggested my brother get on them before he got on his Harley again.
You can guess my brother’s employer by the hats Flower Tucci and Sasha Grey are wearing. As they were shooting a G/G scene that day, they also honored my brother’s profession by not tampering with the males.
I was wondering where'd you been. I hope your brother has a full recovery – good to hear he's doing well.
Madison Scott is amazing in this film!