One of the late David Aaron Clark’s final movies was “Asia Noir 6,” shot two years ago this month in downtown Los Angeles. Clark’s final movie, “Pure,” would earn him a posthumous Best Director award from AVN.
But on the night this picture was taken, the crew had already been shooting for about 16 hours. We can see Clark directing on the left, the cameraman giving directions on the right, and Destiny and Coco Velvett taking it all in at the center of the photo.
Of course, the only direction was, in fact, that Coco Velvett take it all in. Why did DAC not realize this? By the time of his death, Clark had forgotten more about being a porn Buddhist than I have yet learned.
Clark’s friend Charles Pinion put together a short retrospective of DAC’s colorful career.
Clark died in November, 2009, and Pinion got on the phone immediately to make some photographic sense of the various threads of DAC’s life.
“Lots of stuff came from Dave’s archives,” Pinion said, “and various friends and colleagues via the Internet. The video from the SCREW offices is from Danny Hellman. Other video was from my home movies, hanging out with Dave (the bus and street in San Francisco, for example). Also stuff from fetish vids I’d shot with Dave.”
I only knew Clark as a bald guy in Los Angeles, so the video was a revelation.
“It took a solid amount of time,” said Pinion, who is dividing his time between making vampire movies and the equally ghoulish task of getting his California teaching certification, “but honestly [compiling the video] was a kind of grief-laden dream state I can barely remember.”
Previously on Porn Valley Observed: “OK, Mystery Caller – deal me in“; Gram’s Dirty Dozen of 2009; Into the Realm with David Aaron Clark
See also: Charles Pinion
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